************* Writing Rules ************* Gene rules have been designed to be simple to understand and to parse. In order not to have to develop a custom rule parser, we have decided to use **JSON** document as container. Thus every rule, to work properly, has to follow a specific format which is going to be described in this page. Getting the format supported by the engine ========================================== A starting point to understand the format of a rule is to use the ``gene`` command line utility to get the format supported by your engine:: gene -template This command line should return a **JSON** document containing all the fields used by your current version of ``gene``. .. note:: When dealing with **JSON** documents in command line there is an amazing utility that you must try out if you do not know it yet. This tool is called ``jq``. If you are running Linux you can probably install it from your package manager, otherwise visit `jq `_ Rule Structure ============== .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "", "Tags": [], "Meta": { "Events": {}, "Computers": [], "ATTACK": [ { "ID": "", "Tactic": "", "Reference": "" } ], "Criticality": 0, "Disable": false, "Filter": false, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [], "Condition": "", "Actions": [] } .. note:: The fields present in the template shown above are the ones used by the engine. It means that **any** additional fields will not impact the engine. This trick can be used to document the rule. It is a good practice to add information such as **Author**, **Comments** and eventual **Links** in the **Meta** section. .. table:: Field Definition +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Type | Description | +============+======================+====================================================+ | Name | string | Name of the rule | | | | | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Tags | []string | Contains a list of tags related to the rule. It | | | | can be used to group rules | | | | according to their tag(s). | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Meta | dict | Contains a bunch of information related the trigger| | | | of the rule. The information in there is used to | | | | match against the "System" section of the Windows | | | | events to speed up the match. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Events | map[string][]int | List of Windows Event IDs the rule should match | | | | against. If empty the rule will apply against any | | | | Event ID of the ``Channels`` (c.f. see next) | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Computers | []string | List of computer names the rule should apply on. | | | | If empty, the rule applies on all the computers. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | ATTACK | []map[string]string | List of ATT&CK techniques corresponding to the | | | | detection rule. See `MITRE ATT&CK Integration`_. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ |Criticality | 0 < int < 10 | The criticality level attributed to the events | | | | matching the rule. If an event matches several | | | | rules the criticality levels are added between them| | | | and will never go above 10. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Disable | bool | Boolean value used to disable the rule. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Filter | bool | Boolean value used to flag this rule as being a | | | | **filter**. A filter rule is used to filter in | | | | some wanted events without assigning any | | | | criticality to them. It can be used to show events | | | | bringing contextual information. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ |Schema | string | **Schema** version of the rule. This has been | | | | introduced to solve incompatibility issues between | | | | the engine and the rules. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Matches | []string | List of **Matches**, should follow the syntax of | | | | `Matches Format`_ | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Condition | string | String implementing the logic on the **Matches** to| | | | trigger the rule. The syntax should be compliant | | | | with `Condition Format`_ | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Actions | []string | This field is used to encode **Actions** to be | | | | taken when the rule triggers. It is up to the code | | | | making use of the Gene engine to implement | | | | **action handlers**. Gene command-line utility does| | | | not implement any **action handler**. | +------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ .. important:: The more precise **Events** field, the faster the rule is. This information is used to pre-filter relevant events. Matches Format -------------- A **Match** can be seen as an atomic check which is done on every Windows Event (pre-filtered using **Meta** section of the rule) going through the engine. Every match can be referenced once or more in the **Condition** to create complex matching rule. Currently, the latest version of the engine supports two kinds of **Matches**. .. important:: It is very important to remember that **Matches** only apply on the fields located under the ``EventData`` section of Windows Events. Field Matches ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: **Indirect Match** expressions are only available since **v1.6** A **Field Match** is basically an **equality** or a **regex** check done on a given **field value**. This kind of **Match** brings flexibility to the engine since anything can be matched through regular expression. **Field Matches** come in two flavours namely **Direct** and **Indirect**. A **Direct Match** is used to match against values (regex, strings ...) know in advance when the rule is written. An **Indirect Match** aims at matching against a value present in another field of the event. **Direct Match Syntax:** ``$VAR_NAME: FIELD OPERATOR 'VALUE'`` **Indirect Match Syntax:** ``$VAR_NAME: FIELD = @OTHER_FIELD`` .. table:: Field Match Symbols Definition +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Symbols | Description | +=====================+================================================================+ | VAR_NAME | Name of the variable use to access the result of the **Match** | | | in the **Condition**, it must be preceded by a ``$`` | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | FIELD | OTHER_FIELD | Field to match with in ``EventData`` section of Windows Events | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | OPERATOR | Operator to use for the match: | | | * ``=`` : equal operator | | | * ``~=`` : regexp operator (tells to compile VALUE as a regex)| | | * ``>`` : greater than operator (only for `int` fields) | | | * ``<`` : lower than operator (only for `int` fields) | | | * ``&=`` : test flag operator expects the field to be an `int`| +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | VALUE | Must be surrounded by **simple quotes** ``'``. This is the | | | **value/regex** to match against to make **$VAR_NAME = true** | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ Match Workflow:: +-------+ +---------+ | Event | | Match | +-------+ +---------+ | +----------+ | +----> | Engine | <----+ +----------+ | +---------------------------+ | Extracts value from FIELD | +---------------------------+ | +---------------------------+ | Does value match VALUE | | according to OPERATOR ? | +---------------------------+ | ^ YES / \ NO / \ +------------------+ +-------------------+ | $VAR_NAME = true | | $VAR_NAME = false | +------------------+ +-------------------+ \ / \ / v | +--------------------+ | $VAR_NAME value is | | used in condition | +--------------------+ .. note:: Any regular expression must follow `Go regexp syntax `_. Example """"""" The following snippet shows a rule used to catch Windows Event log clearing attempts using ``wevtutil.exe``. .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "EventClearing", "Tags": [ "PostExploit" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational": [ 1 ] }, "ATTACK": [ { "ID": "T1070", "Tactic": "defense-evasion", "Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1070" } ], "Criticality": 8, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$im: Image ~= '(?i:\\\\wevtutil\\.exe$)'", "$cmd: CommandLine ~= '(?i: cl | clear-log )'" ], "Condition": "$im and $cmd", "Actions": null } .. warning:: **Windows path separator** ``\`` **escaping:** * When using ``=~`` **operator**: needs to be escaped **twice** ``\\\\`` (one for JSON and one for regex parsers) * When using ``=`` **operator**: needs to be escaped **once** ``\\`` (for JSON parser) The following additional example shows how to detect a suspicious access to ``lsass.exe`` with the help of the ``&=`` operator. Basically, we want to trigger this alert on any **ProcessAccess** events targeting ``lsass.exe`` where the **GrantedAccess** contains process **read access flag 0x10**. .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "SuspiciousLsassAccess", "Tags": [ "Mimikatz", "Credentials", "Lsass" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational": [ 10 ] }, "ATTACK": [ { "ID": "T1003", "Tactic": "Credential Access", "Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1003/" } ], "Criticality": 8, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$ctwdef: CallTrace ~= '(?i:windows defender)'", "$ga: GrantedAccess &= '0x10'", "$lsass: TargetImage ~= '(?i:\\\\lsass\\.exe$)'", "$wmiprvse: SourceImage ~= '(?i:(?i:C:\\\\Windows\\\\Sys(wow64|tem32)\\\\)wbem\\\\wmiprvse\\.exe)'", "$taskmgr: SourceImage ~= '(?i:(?i:C:\\\\Windows\\\\Sys(wow64|tem32)\\\\)taskmgr\\.exe)'", "$boot: SourceImage ~= '(?i:C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\(wininit|csrss)\\.exe)'" ], "Condition": "$lsass and $ga and !($ctwdef or $wmiprvse or $taskmgr or $boot)", } Container Matches ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A **Container Match** is a little bit more advanced since it can be used to extract a part of a **field value** and check it against a container. For instance, with this kind of **Match**, we are able to extract a **domain** information contained in **Windows DNS-Client logs** and check it against a blacklist. Although, implementing this use case would be possible with **Field Matches**, it would be much slower due to regex engine. In addition the rule would need to be updated at every new entry to check. With **Container Match** only the container (a simple separate file) needs to be updated. The speed is provided by the container being implemented in a form of a set data structure. **Syntax:** ``$VAR_NAME: extract('REGEXP', FIELD) in CONTAINER`` .. table:: Container Match Symbols Definition +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Symbols | Description | +============+================================================================+ | VAR_NAME | Name of the variable used to access the result of the **Match**| | | in the **Condition**, it must be preceded by a ``$`` | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | FIELD | Field to extract from | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | REGEXP | Regular expression used to extract a value from FIELD and check| | | it against a **CONTAINER**. **REGEXP** must follow **named** | | | regexp syntax ``(?Pre)`` | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | CONTAINER | Container to use to check the extracted value | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ .. important:: * If a rule makes use of an **undefined container**, the rule will be disabled at runtime and a warning message will be printed. * A given container is shared across all the rules loaded into the engine * Any regular expression must follow `Go regexp syntax `_. Example """"""" This rule shows an example of how to extract domains and sub-domains from **Windows DNS-Client** logs and check it against a blacklist. .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "BlacklistedDomain", "Tags": [ "DNS" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client/Operational": [] }, "Criticality": 10, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$domainBL: extract('(?P\\w+\\.\\w+$)',QueryName) in blacklist'", "$subdomainBL: extract('(?P\\w+\\.\\w+\\.\\w+$)',QueryName) in blacklist'", "$subsubdomainBL: extract('(?P\\w+\\.\\w+\\.\\w+\\.\\w+$)',QueryName) in blacklist'" ], "Condition": "$domainBL or $subdomainBL or $subsubdomainBL", } Condition Format ---------------- A condition applies a logic to the different **Matches** defined in the rule. If the result of the computation of the **Condition** is **true** the event is considered as matching the rule. .. table:: Allowed Symbols in Condition +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Symbols | Description | +=========+================================================================+ | ``$var``| Variable referencing a **Match** | +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``()`` | Used to group / prioritize some logical expressions | +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``!`` | Negates a **Match** or a grouped expression | +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``AND`` | AND logical operator | +---------+ | | ``and`` | | +---------+ | | ``&&`` | | +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``OR`` | OR logical operator | +---------+ | | ``or`` | | +---------+ | | ``||`` | | +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ .. important:: **Matches** are evaluated in real time, in the same order their **variables** appear in the **Condition**. So the **variables** order has an impact on the **rule speed**. A good practice is to put first selective **Matches** to abort condition evaluation as soon as possible and prevent useless **Matches** to happen. Example ^^^^^^^ The following rule is used to match suspicious explicit network logons, we can see an example of a rule where the order of the **variables** in the condition matters. In this case we first match on ``LogonType``, this makes the condition aborting after the first evaluation (as it is mandatory for the condition to be met) for every other ``LogonType`` than **3**. .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "ExplicitNetworkLogon", "Tags": [ "Lateral", "Security" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Security": [ 4624 ] }, "Criticality": 5, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$logt: LogonType = '3'", "$user: TargetUserName = 'ANONYMOUS LOGON'", "$iplh1: IpAddress = '-'", "$iplh2: IpAddress = ''", "$enddol: TargetUserName ~= '\\$$'" ], "Condition": "$logt and !($user or $iplh1 or $iplh2 or $enddol)", } Regular Expression Templates ---------------------------- .. warning:: Templates use **TOML** format (c.f. https://toml.io/en/) since **v2.0.0** Regex templates have been introduced to remove the burden of maintaining rules sharing the same regular expressions. Let's take a common example of suspicious binaries we want to create rules on, a basic matching regex would look like this ``(?i:\\(certutil|rundll32)\.exe)``. Assuming this regex is used in **several rules**, it is a big burden to update all of them once we want to add a new executable name in this list. So the idea behind regex template is to centralize such shared regex inside **configuration file(s)** for easier maintainance. **File Extension**: ``.toml`` (must be located in rule directory we are using) **Syntax** * **definition:** ``TEMPLATE_NAME = 'REGULAR_EXPRESSION'`` * **usage in Match:** ``{{TEMPLATE_NAME}}`` Example ^^^^^^^ There is an example of a few **regex templates** .. code-block:: bash # Extensions script-exts = '(?i:(\.ps1|\.bat|\.cmd|\.vb|\.vbs|\.vbscript|\.vbe|\.js|\.jse|\.ws|\.wsf))' exec-exts = '(?i:(\.acm|\.ax|\.com|\.cpl|\.dic|\.dll|\.drv|\.ds|\.efi|\.exe|\.grm|\.iec|\.ime|\.lex|\.msstyles|\.mui|\.ocx|\.olb|\.rll|\.rs|\.scr|\.sys|\.tlb|\.tsp|\.winmd|\.node))' # Exe to monitor suspicious = '(?i:\\(certutil|rundll32|powershell|wscript|cscript|cmd|mshta|regsvr32|msbuild|installutil|regasm)\.exe)' .. important:: Only `Golang regexp special characters `_ **need to be escaped**. * **Windows path separator** ``\`` needs to be escaped only once (i.e. ``\\``) in template definitions. To make use of the template previously defined .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "HeurDropper", "Tags": [ "Heuristics", "CreateFile" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational": [ 11 ] }, "Criticality": 8, "Author": "0xrawsec", "Comments": "Experimental rule to detect executable files dropped by common utilities", "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$susp: Image ~= '{{suspicious}}$'", "$target: TargetFilename ~= '({{exec-exts}}|{{script-exts}})$'", "$poltest: TargetFilename ~= '(?i:C:\\\\Users\\\\.*?\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\__PSScriptPolicyTest_.*?\\.ps1)'" ], "Condition": "$susp and $target and !$poltest" } In order to debug the rules using templates, we have introduced a new feature in the ``gene`` command line utility. One can use the ``-dump`` command line switch to dump the rule as it is after template replacement. .. code-block:: bash > gene -dump HeurDropper -r ./gene-rules | jq { "Name": "HeurDropper", "Tags": [ "Heuristics", "CreateFile" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational": [ 11 ] }, "Criticality": 8, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$susp: Image ~= '(?i:\\\\(certutil|rundll32|powershell|wscript|cscript|cmd|mshta|regsvr32|msbuild|installutil|regasm)\\.exe)$'", "$target: TargetFilename ~= '((?i:(\\.acm|\\.ax|\\.com|\\.cpl|\\.dic|\\.dll|\\.drv|\\.ds|\\.efi|\\.exe|\\.grm|\\.iec|\\.ime|\\.lex|\\.msstyles|\\.mui|\\.ocx|\\.olb|\\.rll|\\.rs|\\.scr|\\.sys|\\.tlb|\\.tsp|\\.winmd|\\.node))|(?i:(\\.ps1|\\.bat|\\.cmd|\\.vb|\\.vbs|\\.vbscript|\\.vbe|\\.js|\\.jse|\\.ws|\\.wsf)))$'", "$poltest: TargetFilename ~= '(?i:C:\\\\Users\\\\.*?\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\__PSScriptPolicyTest_.*?\\.ps1)'" ], "Condition": "$susp and $target and !$poltest", } .. note:: As you can see in the dumped rule, the simple ``\`` becomes ``\\``, this is due to **JSON** special characters' encoding. .. note:: See how easy it is now, just to add a new extension to the list so that it impacts all the rules using this template. MITRE ATT&CK Integration ------------------------ Gene has full support for the `MITRE ATT&CK `_ framework through the **ATTACK** field of the **Meta** section of the rule definition. What is documented there is purely informational and can be displayed in the alerts reported. Example ^^^^^^^ Given the following rule matching suspicious ADS creation. .. code-block:: JSON { "Name": "ExecutableADS", "Tags": [ "ADS" ], "Meta": { "Events": { "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational": [ 15 ] }, "ATTACK": [ { "ID": "T1096", "Tactic": "defense-evasion", "Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1096" } ], "Criticality": 10, "Schema": "2.0.0" }, "Matches": [ "$unk: Hash = 'Unknown'", "$impash: Hash ~= '(?i:(IMPHASH=00000000000000000000000000000000))'" ], "Condition": "!($impash or $unk)", } The alert reported would look like the following. .. code-block:: JSON { "Event": { "EventData": { "CreationUtcTime": "2018-02-23 13:17:31.176", "Hash": "SHA1=E8B4D84A28E5EA17272416EC45726964FDF25883,MD5=09F7401D56F2393C6CA534FF0241A590,SHA256=6766717B8AFAFE46B5FD66C7082CCCE6B382CBEA982C73CB651E35DC8187ACE1,IMPHASH=68E56344CAB250384904953E978B70A9", "Image": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe", "ProcessGuid": "{49F1AF32-12C5-5A90-0000-00100AEA0B00}", "ProcessId": "2100", "TargetFilename": "C:\\Users\\CALDUS~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test.txt:malicious.exe", "UtcTime": "2018-02-23 13:17:31.192" }, "GeneInfo": { "ATTACK": [ { "ID": "T1096", "Tactic": "defense-evasion", "Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1096" } ], "Criticality": 10, "Signature": [ "ExecutableADS" ] }, "System": { "...": "..." } } }